PRM Business facts
Countries where services have been provided:
Papua New Guinea
Saudi Arabia
Countries where personnel have worked prior to PRM
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Papua New Guinea
New Zealand
Client companies
Major US-based vertically integrated oil/gas company
Papua New Guinea
Oil Search
Australia (Head Office and China rig project)
Papua New Guinea
Cairn Energy
CSR Gyprock
Upstream Petroleum
Australia (Head Office, and Brazil / Saudi rig projects)
EPA (Victoria)
Who are Practical Risk Management?
Founded initially as Ure Risk Engineering Pty Ltd in 1998, the services provided by Practical Risk Management Pty Ltd support our customers globally for
- Project Management
- Engineering (Drilling and Production – Oil / Gas)
- Management Systems Analysis and Development (Project, Health, Safety and Environment, Security, Emergency Management, Regulatory Compliance, Business Continuity)
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management Solutions
- Technical and Supervisory activities in Workover, Drilling and Other Operations
- Facilitation in complex problem-solving situations
- Audit and Training
Practical Risk Management aims to live up to its name. With a track record of delivering client requirements over the past 20+ years, and shared commitment to client business objectives.
We aim to:
- provide tailored solutions to meet client requirements that function today and in the future
- deliver a quality service with cost-effective results, to specification
- be innovative within the complex environment that client businesses operate
- understand and align with client risk management needs
- facilitate common solutions where divergent requirements or mis-aligned objectives exist
- understand client business objectives and develop service outcomes that align with them
- provide the right personnel to execute the work, where-ever required
- support action to address climate change
In cases where identification of “what problems need to be solved?” is required, we will facilitate solution identification, then “how to” through to execution of the solution.
Worldwide delivery of services
PRM has proven that it can deliver services wherever required in the world. Whether a job requires a short trip, regular short trips, or longer periods in-country, a solution will be arranged. PRM personnel have spent extended periods of time in China, Central Asia (Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan), Papua New Guinea (regular visits), Indonesia. Prior to consulting, PRM personnel worked and lived in countries outside Australia, as mentioned in personnel “bios”. PRM personnel offer services that will be successful in our Global Community and its cultural diversity.
Developed / documented / rolled out HSE Management Systems
- (Major international US-based oil/gas exploration / development / production company: PNG [two separate clients], Australia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Indonesia)
- In several locations assisted with setting up the actual system supporting procedures and documents, facilitating the Management Committee until ready for taking over, and running the continuous improvement / audit activity until the organisation became self-sufficient)
- Conducted training for local personnel
Conducted risk assessments in many different locations around the world addressing a range of subjects that include (list is not exhaustive):
- Oil / gas well drilling programs: exploration and production, platform, jackup and floating for programs in Australia (Bass Strait and Western Australia – offshore), Papua New Guinea (heli supported operation, production testing), Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan (exploration wells; Caspian sea and onshore Cheleken Peninsula)
- Health Risk Assessment (PNG LNG project)
- Well Production testing HAZID / HAZOP (oil / gas, onshore / offshore, international locations)
- Field development – drilling program (Chad)
- Project concept selection (mercury removal in gas processing plant)
- Special cases:
- earthquake risk (Azerbaijan, PNG drilling)
- Security (various locations)
- Emergency evacuation (offshore platform complex – Australia)
- Rig move (several for offshore platforms with platform drilling rigs)
- Additional quarters installation and removal (several for offshore platforms with platform drilling rigs)
- Additional retro-fit conductors (offshore platform Australia)
- De-manning platforms for remote operations
- Venture offices opening and operating in new countries (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea)
- Subsea flowbase tie-ins
- In many cases, checklists of preventative and mitigation controls were drawn up for use pre-startup and during operations for controls verification
- Offshore platform pile installation operations (Singapore for Australian offshore project)
- Pipeline pigging operations (offshore Australia)
- Remote fieldwork activities (PNG)
- HAZID / HAZOP for geothermal well drilling operations (Australia)
Developed Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans
- for the entire PNG LNG project (commissioning and startup, full production operations including corporate plan and site plans)
- for drilling rig programs (Caspian Sea, Bass Strait, Papua New Guinea)
- for remote country Venture Offices
- development and delivery of ERP Training
- development and coordination of ER Drills
Safety Report development
- Similar to Safety Case, for PNG LNG project
Developed Work Site Safety Plans (various locations, usually remote)
- Provided support where required (Safety Advisor)
Developed Business Continuity Plan (Australia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan)
Developed Country evacuation plans (various)
Developed Pandemic response plans (various)
Developed office security plans (various after 9/11 incident)
Developed Regulatory Compliance plans (PNG, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan)
- Formal HSE management systems (external) audit coordination and auditor involvement (various)
- Annual status and effectiveness reviews
- Procedural compliance assessments
- Developed Field Development Plan for an Offshore oil / gas project – Bass Strait
- Drafted engineering standards for application within major international engineering consulting firm
- Lifting Management Systems
- Procedure development
- Inspection / audit
- Drilling Rig specification
- Land rig specification (PNG and Saudi Arabia)
- Offshore (rig design optimization to suit platform limitations, jackup systems)
- Complex Problem Solving – solution identification / facilitation / strategic thinking
- Offshore pipeline pigging system alternatives
- Minimum manning for multiple offshore platform complex to support emergency response
- Search and rescue capability expansion for Papua New Guinea LNG project
- “obstacles to successful drilling projects” (Norway)
Provided personnel for:
- Project management of multiple drilling rig fabrication in China
- Drill rig supervision
- Oil / gas project Safety and Regulatory Management
- Plant upgrade site supervisor (small gas processing plant)
- Specialist personnel (e.g. QA/QC inspection, electrical (HV) engineer, chemical engineer)
PRM has proved that it can deliver services wherever required in the world. Whether a job requires a short trip, regular short trips, or longer periods in-country, a solution will be arranged. PRM personnel have spent extended periods of time in China, Central Asia (Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan), Papua New Guinea (regular visits), Indonesia. Prior to consulting, PRM personnel worked and lived in countries outside Australia.
PRM personnel:
- Respect diversity in culture, identity and learn from this in the places where we work
- Rule out discrimination in our actions, including what we say relating to race, religion, appearance, colour, nationality, age, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, or political preference
- Respect our clients and maintain alignment with their objectives
- Facilitate confirmation of client objectives and the required deliverables if they are not well defined
- Facilitate change (implementation of something “new” requires change, even if it is only of attitude)
I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where I work and live. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging. I celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.